Tuesday 13 November 2012

"Kill the Gays" Ugandan Bill

This bill was just recently introduced in Uganda.  It legalizes the sever punishment of homosexuality.  The bill has two different offenses of homosexuality.

The first is Aggravated Homosexuality.  ‘Aggravated homosexuality’ is defined as gay acts committed by parents or authority figures, HIV-positive people, pedophiles and repeat offenders. If convicted, they will face the death penalty.

The second is Offense of Homosexuality.   The ‘offense of homosexuality’ includes same-sex sexual acts or being in a gay relationship, and will be prosecuted by life imprisonment.

Speaker Rebecca Kadaga said the anti-gay bill will become law by December since most Ugandans ‘are demanding it’.
Referring to the law as a ‘Christmas gift’ to the population,  she spoke of ‘the serious threat’ posed by homosexuals.


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